The Red Wheelbarrow at 90

The red wheelbarrow is looking a little scungey

has lost some of its sheen since 1923

being out in the weather

but Williams would have approved of its use as a plant nursery

and Iā€™m sure there are some white chickens

grazing nearby

Author: johnlmalone

John Malone is an Australian poet and teacher of poetry and creative writing.

13 thoughts on “The Red Wheelbarrow at 90”

  1. you never know; perhaps he did; wouldn’t he be amazed if he realized he had written one of the most iconic and most well known poems of the last 100 years ? never give up on the ordinary šŸ™‚


      1. I don’t know why it wouldn’t allow a comment – very odd. I hope that this was unique problem and not endemic of the whole site. I’ll have to read William Carlos William’s poem. Thank you.

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